Our Mission

Build the next generation of financially independent women in the fore-front fights of poverty in Maasai Land

Our Values & Goals

Education & Literact

Young girls and women deserve to pursue education opportunities to the highest level without any cultural hinderances. Educating girls has been shown to have greater positive impact in communities around the world

Bridging Skills

In a community like ours, the Maasai Community, where women are dependent on men for basic financial needs, it is important for us to introduce and teach skills to young & adult women so that they are able to support themselves financially and thus have some form of independence and freedom

Menstrual Care for School Going Girls

In our community, many girls have to miss school each month during their menstrual cycles because they lack sanitary towels or other menstrual care tools. Nailepu Foundation aims to provide eco-friendly and reusable sanitary towels regularly to all adolescent school going girls in primary and secondary schools in Emarti

Access to Opportunities

Create relationships and networking opportunities for our program beneficiaries with local employers, scholarships for further studies, internship opportunities among other opportunities that will benefit our program beneficiaries


Nailepu Foundation aims at creating a network of mentors to provide support and guidance to our program beneficiaries. Our goal is to reach 1-on-1 mentorship experience for our girls with mentors with varied backgrounds and experiences

Community Sensitization

Nailepu Foundation aims at carrying out continuous community sensitization and civic education on issues that impact the welfare of girls and women in our community such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Early childhood pregnancies and marriages, education access among other key issues that are not particularly considered important by the community at large